We are a hot air balloon club located in Oregon. Our members are in primarily located in Oregon and Washington. We do have members from all parts of the country. We welcome everyone to join whether a pilot, crew, or spectator.
We have monthly meetings 9 times a year. We take the summers off due to the many balloon rallies that our members attend. We publish a monthly newsletter highlighting past and current events.
W.A.S. was established September 8, 1998. Our current executive committee is:
- Sallie Loflin, prez@wasballoon.org – President
- Tim Gale, vp@wasballoon.org – Vice President
- Dave Wiser, sec@wasballoon.org – Secretary and Treasurer
Have something you’d like to put in the newsletter? Contact Shari, newsletter@wasballoon.org
See something you like/don’t like about this website? Yell at Jack, webmaster@wasballoon.org
Mission Statement:
- To promote the sport of hot air ballooning
- To educate new balloonists and the public
- To embody safety in all aspects of ballooning
- To do all we can to support and encourage land owner relations
- To support our fellow balloonists and crews personally and in our sport
Charter Members
WAS originally formed with approximately 90 members. The following individuals are current members that have been with us since the beginning!
- Jeanne Anson
- Marilyn Barnhart
- Carmen Blakely
- Tim Gale
- Shari Gale
- Jerry Gobet
- Mary Gobet
- Kelly Haverkate
- Hollie Hemenway
- Bob LeDoux
- Marianne LeDoux
- Cory Miller
- Greg Miller
- Rod Purdum
- Edie Stoaks
- Carol Whitney
- Jack Whitney
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Material published on this website or in Aerostats does not imply endorsement by WAS, it officers, newsletter editor, or its members of an event. Nor does it imply agreement with opinions, comments, or endorsement of any product.